Studi Explorasi Pengalaman Perawat dalam Pengkajian Delirium


  • Khamid Khanafi RSUD dr. Loekmono Hadi Kudus
  • Suhartini Ismail Universitas Diponegoro
  • Meira Erawati Universitas Diponegoro



Delirium, pengkajian, ICU


Delirium di tandai dengan perubahan  status mental, tingkat kesadaran serta perhatian yang akut dan fluktuatif yang sering di jumpai pada pasien di ruang intensive care unit (ICU). Delirium dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya length of stay (LOS), meningkatkan biaya perawatan,kematian, delirium menetap serta lamanya pemulihan. Tujuan dari penelitian  ini ialah untuk mengexplorasi pengalaman perawat rumah sakit dalam mengkaji pasien delirium di ruang ICU.Penelitian  ini menggunakan metode diskriptif  kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan indepth interview dengan panduan semi terstruktur. Hasil wawancara pada informan di dapatkan informasi bahwa pengetahuan perawat tentang delirium ini masih kurang, sehingga perawat belum pernah melakukan pengkajian delirium, perawat sebatas mengkaji tingkat kesadaran menggunakan glascow coma scale ( GCS), dalam re evaluasi delirium sebatas mengikuti advis medis, dari rumah sakit belum ada kebijakan dalam pengkajian delirium. Dari informasi ini dapat dijadikan acuan bagi peneliti untuk di adakanya peningkatan pengetahuan perawat mengenai delirium serta di adakanya alat/tool pengkajian delirium yang tepat, mudah untuk ruang ICU. Kata kunci: Delirium, pengkajian, ICU AbstractExploration Study of Nursing Experience in Delirium Assessment. Delirium is characterized by changes in mental status, level of awareness and acute and fluctuating attention that is often encountered in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Delirium can cause increased length of stay (LOS), increase treatment costs, death, permanent delirium and the duration of recovery. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of hospital nurses in studying delirium patients in the ICU. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection with in-depth interviews with semi-structured guidelines. The results of interviews with informants found that nurses' knowledge about delirium was still lacking, so nurses had never doing delirium assessments, nurses were limited to assessing the level of awareness using a glascow coma scale (GCS), in re-evaluation of delirium limited to following medical advice, the hospital had not yet there is a policy in the delirium assessment. From this information, it can be used as a reference for researchers to create an increase in nurses' knowledge about delirium as well as an appropriate delirium assessment tool for the ICU room. Keywords: Delirium, Assessments, ICU


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How to Cite

Khanafi, K., Ismail, S., & Erawati, M. (2019). Studi Explorasi Pengalaman Perawat dalam Pengkajian Delirium. Jurnal Perawat Indonesia, 3(3), 237–242.

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