Perspectives on Improving Nutrition for Toddlers among the Recipients of Social Support


  • Azzahroh Zanubatul Azkiya Umi Ngaisyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Umi Solikhah



Keywords: Nutrition, Toddler, Perspective, Recipients of Social Support


Malnutrition and malnourishment in children under the age of five is still a major nutritional issue that requires attention. The issue of toddler nutritional status is influenced by a number of direct and indirect factors. Children's food and infections are direct causative causes, whereas indirect factors include socioeconomic problems and a lack of family knowledge, particularly among mothers, about the nutritional health of toddlers. Each poor community's viewpoint or perspective differs in this scenario. The purpose of this research is to find out how social support recipients feel about improving the nutrition of children under the age of five. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method. Primary data was gathered through in-depth interviews for the data collection technique. People who received both BPNT and PKH social support made up the research informants for this study with a total of 20 people. According to the findings of the study, mothers who eat properly can produce good milk since breast milk has an impact on children's nutritional condition. A well-balanced and nutritious diet is always associated with a high cost. When compared to families earning more than the minimum wage, parents earning less than the minimum wage are 3.2 times more likely to fail to provide enough nutrition.



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How to Cite

Azzahroh Zanubatul Azkiya, & Umi Solikhah. (2023). PERSPEKTIF PENINGKATAN GIZI BALITA BAGI MASYARAKAT PENERIMA BANTUAN SOSIAL: Perspectives on Improving Nutrition for Toddlers among the Recipients of Social Support. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Anak, 6(1), 1–7.


