Attitude, Exclusive Breastfeeding, KnowledgeAbstract
Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk given to babies from the first six months after birth without providing other complementary foods. Based on the Ministry of Health data in 2020, 66.1% of infants received exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia and 58.72% in Tangerang. In 2021, at the Binong Health Center, the number of babies 0-6 months was 922 babies but only 442 babies received exclusive breastfeeding, so they did not meet the target set by the Binong Health Center, namely 553 babies. This study aims to describe the level of knowledge and attitudes of breastfeeding mothers about exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of Binong Community Health Center. This research uses quantitative with a descriptive approach. The sample is 41 mothers, using the total sampling method. The research instrument is a questionnaire of knowledge and attitudes of breastfeeding mothers with univariate analysis techniques. This study's results show that mothers' knowledge level is in the sufficient category (51.2%) and the attitude of mothers is in the positive category (61.0%). Hopefully, community health centers can implement government programs related to breastfeeding, and especially maternity nurses can provide health education and promote breastfeeding mothers. Key words: Attitude, Exclusive Breastfeeding, KnowledgeReferences
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