
  • Rizqiya Nur Amalina
  • Lutfatul Latifah Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Mekar Dwi Anggraeni




Oketani massage, breast milk production, IBFAT


Background: Oketani massage is a massage that can increase breast milk output. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of oketani massage on breast milk production. Methods: This study uses a literature review method. The search was limited to articles published from 2017-2021 with quantitative research types. Searches were done on databases such as Google Scholar, Sage, Proquest, Ebsco, and Cochrane, with the keywords oketani massage dan breast milk production. Results: Based on the search results found as many as 58 articles. Then after the screening stage, 9 articles were obtained for review. Based on the review, it was stated that oketani massage can increase the quantity and quality of breast milk production as measured by weighing the baby’s weight, measuring prolactin and oxytocin levels, using IBFAT questionnaire, observation sheet for breast milk production, and assessing the mother’s perception. Conclusion: Oketani massage has effectiveness in increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers and breastfeeding mothers..

Author Biography

Lutfatul Latifah, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=-B_4u4gAAAAJ&hl=id Scopus ID: 57209224515 Sinta ID: 5999706 Orchid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7025-1732


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How to Cite

Amalina, R. N. ., Latifah, L., & Anggraeni, M. D. (2023). EFEKTIVITAS PIJAT OKETANI TERHADAP PRODUKSI ASI: SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Maternitas, 5(2), 18–32. https://doi.org/10.32584/jikm.v5i2.1805