
  • Misesa Misesa
  • Novy Helena Catharina Daulina
  • Yossie Susanti Eka Putri



Demensia, FPE, konfusi kronis, lansia, model adaptasi Roy reminiscence


Prevalensi gangguan mental emosional termasuk demensia di Jawa Barat berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar Tahun 2013 paling banyak dialami oleh lansia. Karakteristik demensia seperti penurunan kognitif dan gangguan orientasi menimbulkan masalah keperawatan yaitu konfusi kronis. Tujuan karya ilmiah akhir ini melaporkan penerapan manajemen kasus spesialis keperawatan jiwa terhadap lansia konfusi kronis di ruang Saraswati RSMM Bogor dengan pendekatan Model Adaptasi Roy melalui intervensi keperawatan jiwa secara generalis, terapi kelompok Reminiscence dan Family Psychoeducation (FPE). Jumlah lansia yang dikelola ada 12 orang. Hasil manajemen kasus spesialis keperawatan jiwa menunjukkan bahwa penurunan tanda dan gejala konfusi kronis serta peningkatan kemampuan lansia demensia mengatasi konfusi kronis. Rekomendasi hasil karya ilmiah akhir ini adalah diharapkan perawat jiwa menerapkan terapi keperawatan generalis dan spesialis (Terapi Kelompok Reminiscence dan FPE) untuk perawatan lansia dengan konfusi kronis. Kata kunci : Demensia, FPE, konfusi kronis, lansia, model adaptasi Roy reminiscence  CHEMICAL CONFUSION DEMENSION CASE MANAGEMENT USING THE ADAPTATION MODEL APPROACH ABSTRACTThe prevalence of mental disorders including dementia emotional in West Java, based on the results of the Health Research In 2013 most widely experienced by elderly. Characteristic of dementia such as cognitive decline and disorientation that cause nursing diagnosis of chronic confusion. Psychiatric nursing care with Roy Adaptation Model approaches to overcome the chronic confusion through a generalist interventions in psychiatric nursing, therapy and family group psychoeducation Reminiscence (FPE). The purpose of final scientific papers reporting on the implementation case management  of specialist psychiatric nursing to elderly with chronic confusion in Saraswati ward RSMM Bogor, use Roy Adaptation Model approach. The number of elderly who managed 12 people. The case management result of psychiatric nursing  specialists showed that the reduction of signs and symptoms of chronic confusion, and increasing the ability of elderly’s dementia to cope chronic confusion. Recommended final outcome of this scientific work is expected to implement nursing therapy generalist and specialist (Reminiscence Therapy and FPE) to elderly care with chronic confusion. Keywords: Dementia, FPE, chronic confusion, adaptation Roy Model, elderly.


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How to Cite

Misesa, M., Daulina, N. H. C., & Putri, Y. S. E. (2019). MANAJEMEN KASUS LANSIA DEMENSIA KONFUSI KRONIS DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN MODEL ADAPTASI. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Jiwa, 2(1), 25–40.


